After diagnosis using physical examination and X-rays (CT scan, and/or MRI are sometimes also recommended), conventional medical treatments may involve ice applications, pain and anti-inflammatory medications, muscle relaxing medications, and/or physical therapy. A cervical collar may be prescribed as well. The Chiropractic Alternative
Because Chiropractic Physicians are uniquely trained in human structure or biomechanics, they are uniquely qualified to address the structural damage that occurs in a whiplash injury. While they may use many of the same diagnostic and treatment tools, the care plan is designed to correct the underlying damage, not merely to mitigate the symptoms. Relying less on drugs and more on an in-depth knowledge of correct or normal structural health, the chiropractor will use a series of adjustments and exercises or physical therapies to relieve symptoms, restore normal alignment and function, and "retrain" muscles and soft tissue to "hold" the correction long-term. |